sleeping in tent

Sustainability starts with sleep

August 06, 20231 min read

Over the past few weeks I’ve not rested as much as my body needed. It taught me a few interesting lessons about sustainability.

When I was tired I felt more hungry. Not just for food but generally for “things”/inputs from the outside…the birth place of consumption.

My cells had a need to restore their balance, which usually happens through sleep. In the absence of sufficient sleep I noticed a desire for stimulants and experiences that made me “feel better”, more balanced. Instead of meeting the need internally it became externalised.

I see over-consumption and the subsequent stretching of resources very much rooted in the way our society is geared towards valuing activity over restoration, which leads to meeting needs externally rather than through our inbuilt biological restoration mechanisms activated when we rest/sleep.

Here are some of the differences I noticed in my bahaviour:

- short term thinking
- survival focus
- geared towards meeting immediate needs through getting things from the outside
- self-centered

- long-term thinking
- resilience
- resourcefulness
- seeing how my actions can support a bigger whole and the people around me as much as myself

How do the experiences of being tired and well rested show up in your life?

Bio-inspired renewable energy engineer | Design Thinker and bio-feedback enthusiast for flow, self-actualisation and peak experiences

Tobias Hofmeister

Bio-inspired renewable energy engineer | Design Thinker and bio-feedback enthusiast for flow, self-actualisation and peak experiences

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Power, Prosperity, Pleasure and Paying it Forward

Embodied Impact is an interactive show unpacking peak experience life styles covering the fields of flow states, nervous system regulation, heart rate variability, brain waves, wearable tech, financial fitness, plant medicine, spiritual practices, embodiment, emotional intelligence, intimacy, partnership, sexual energy transmutation, trauma recovery, physical wellbeing, reality creation, entrepreneurship, leadership and business.

These are more than interviews. These are generative, explorative conversations filled with heart and soul.

Discover the 4 Ps of peak experience life styles



I am a certified HRV and peak experience coach. I use bio-feedback technology, in particular heart rate variability (HRV), to enable people to find their flow states, regain health and live peak experience lives. A background in sustainable energy engineering coupled with a passion for spiritual modalities and energy in a broader context has led me to an approach that merges cognitive understanding with embodied experiences. I practices Buddhism and have presented my research globally, among others at MIT in Boston and the DRS conference on Future-focussed thinking.

When I look at the world I see unique connections between people, places and ideas. To me the world is an interconnected, holistic system - the oneness of self and environment.

Over the years and have met thousands of people in heart to heart dialogues when travelling over 50 countries, earning degrees from four universities, publishing a dozen academic papers, presenting my research at international conferences and working for world leading sustainability and digital research organisations.

I have been a contributor to House of Beautiful Business, Mindvalley, Evercoach and other initiatives cultivating new ways of working, fostering entrepreneurial mindsets and creating work cultures and environments that celebrate the whole human being. I view business as a vehicle for self-actualisation and believe that when done from a place of love and compassion that it holds the potential for healing our world.

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